Friday, November 1, 2019

About My Blog

So, I'm at it again. Trying out blogging as an outlet to channel my creative side. My first blog post appeared more than 4 years ago following the birth of baby number 4. But then, I went back to work and so went the blog. I find that when I am working, I am so focused on putting my heart into my work, that I don't take time to create. This is why I have made a conscious effort to sew or learn about crafting or chickens or something each day when I get home. There is so much about our day-to-day lives that can keep us from connecting with the world and doing things we really love. We forget who we are....or used to be. At least I did.

Our family traveled to Charleston in September to see our oldest daughter sing in a concert. Being there in that event hall watching the lights dance across the stage reminded me of so many shows. The LeConte's I've know over the years. I missed Charleston. I missed the stage. I missed performing. I missed writing. I missed poetry and music. I missed storytelling and ghost walks. I missed walking on The Battery at night. I missed eating cornbread and honey with good friends after a full day of fun. I missed me. Who I was back then. Who I am way down deep- before I became this person I've been forced to become to conform to the world of the working adult. I am so much more than that.

So....I've created this blog to capture this journey of discovery. Over the past three years we've started a hobby farm where we raise chickens, honey bees and a variety of edibles (blueberries, blackberries, scuppernongs, muscadines, apples, peaches, plums, cherries, mulberries, figs, apricots, peaches). I think that may be all. We've probably experienced way more failures than successes over the years, but with each failure Herm reminds me that it is a "hobby" farm. At one time we had over 18 blueberry bushes, and now we don't! We've learned a great deal about droughts and fungi and all sorts of other things that affect our animals and plants. Yet, we press on. I'd like to take you on this journey with us as we continue to learn and grow and raise our kids.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, so interesting to be able to stand on the landscape and look out over all the "LeContes" (in this case) that you have known and loved over time, along with those essentials true to that time that simply lifted life off the pages. I so relate to this. I find myself looking at my own seasons of Sandra, and thanking God for opportunities good and bad...being thankful for those that flowed over into the next season and caused me to stand a little taller, speak up a little louder, say and do a little more or maybe less in the space I live. I am looking forward to my Saturday Morning reads of Penny Candy. I see it as a "Sandra" essential for this season of life.
